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Baptists Together magazine Archive

Baptists Together is the magazine launched in September 2013 which is sent to church leaders.  Since its launch, each magazine has been themed and included a range of stories of how our Baptist family is serving God in mission and ministry, as well as giving you information about developments within our Union and challenging you in your own discipleship.   Each offers a unique snapshot of life around our Union.
If you would like to access one of our earlier editions, please click on the images below:

Together Magazine Archive

  BaptistsTogether Summer2024  
  Summer 2024  
  BaptistsTogether Summer2023 BaptistsTogetherMagazine Autum
  Summer 2023 Autumn 2023
Spring2022 BaptistsTogether Summer2022 BaptistsTogetherMag Autumn2022
Spring 2022 Summer 2022 Autumn 2022
Cover Spring2021 Summer2021 cover Aut21Cover
Spring 2021 Summer 2021 Autumn 2021
Together Spring20 Together Sum20 Together Autumn2020
Spring 2020     Summer 2020 Autumn 2020
TogetherSpring2019 TogetherSum19 Together Aut19
Spring 2019
Summer 2019
Autumn 2019
TogetherSpr18 TogetherSum18 TogetherMagazineAutumn2018
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Autumn 2018
TogetherSpr2017Cover TogetherSum17 TogetherAut17
 Spring 2017
 Summer 2017
 Autumn 2017
TogetherSpr16 TogetherSum16 TogetherAutumn2016
 Spring 2016
 Summer 2016
 Autumn 2016
TogetherSpring15 TogetherSummer2015 TogetherAutumn2015
 Spring 2015
 Summer 2015
 Autumn 2015
TogetherSpring2014 TogetherSum14 TogetherAutumn2014
 Spring 2014
 Summer 2014
 Autumn 2014
    September 2013

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