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Bringing Christmas to Chad

They’re not getting any snow, but this December BMS World Mission supporters can help patients at Guinebor II Hospital in Chad get something even better

A Chadian Chaplain serving some of the poorest people in the world has a dream this Christmas. He wants to share the love of Christ with more of the patients and community at Guinebor II Hospital (G2), a BMS World Mission supported hospital near Chad’s capital N’Djamena. And he wants you to help him.

UK churches have already done so much to support the life-saving work of G2. The Muslim-majority community is now benefitting from a maternal health centre funded by BMS supporters. Since it was built in 2015, over 5,000 babies have been safely delivered! You’ve also been supporting the medical team at the hospital, who have been tirelessly treating malnourished children, providing essential medications for patients and performing life-saving operations.

You’ve helped us support one more thing too – G2’s brilliant chaplain Pastor Djibrine. He has a huge heart for the Muslims who come to the hospital for treatment, and he wants to bless them this Christmas. Every year, G2 hosts a Christmas celebration, and this year you can help them make it the biggest and best party yet. Your gifts can have an impact long after Christmas, too. As Pastor Djibrine prays with inpatients, he would love to be able to give those who are interested in Christianity a Bible that they can take away with them. He’s also excited to now have a motorbike with which he can make home visits to patients, but he needs some fuel to get him there.

Could you help Pastor Djibrine get his what’s on his wish-list this Christmas? 
£22 can pay for food, seating and shelter for ten people at the Christmas celebration 
£38 can fuel Pastor Djibrine’s motorbike for three months, enabling him to make lots of important home visits 
£60 can buy 15 Bibles or 18 memory cards with audio Bible stories on them to give to those who express an interest in the gospel

If you want to support Pastor Djibrine and BMS’ life-transforming work in Chad, please donate to the BMS Chad Christmas appeal today. Your gift will make such a difference.

Please pray, too. Pray for Pastor Djibrine and the team at G2 as they organise the Christmas celebration. Pray for those who will attend, that God will prepare their hearts to hear his message of joy and redemption this Christmas. And pray for the ongoing work of the hospital, as it seeks to meet the huge medical and spiritual needs of its community, with limited resources.
Thank you.

Why support BMS work in Chad? 
The Central African country of Chad is currently ranked as the fourth poorest country in the world. Globally, it has some of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates, and the average Chadian doesn’t expect to live past their 51st birthday. For every 70 doctors we have here in the UK, in Chad there is only one; that means for every 100,000 Chadians there are only four doctors. Almost 50 per cent of people don’t have access to a clean water source and over 85 per cent of people don’t have improved sanitation facilities, meaning the risk of disease is very high.
As the stats show, the health needs of Chad’s people are huge. BMS’ support of G2 means that thousands of patients are able to get high-quality treatment: pregnant women learn about the importance of antenatal care and are able deliver in a safe environment; the well-stocked pharmacy provides access to affordable medications for all patients; and malnourished children get the nutrients they desperately need. All this life-changing care is given in the name of Jesus, and is possible because of you.

Any gifts that exceed the costs of Pastor Djibrine’s wish-list will be used to support other life-transforming work in Chad. 

This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission. 


BMS World Mission, 09/12/2016
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