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What Are They Doing Down There? by Paul Kerensa 

A little gem that will provide great material for sermons, and should be prescribed on the NHS 

What are they doing down thereWhat Are They Doing Down There? 
By Paul Kerensa 
Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF)
ISBN: 9780857466938 
Reviewer: Moira Kleissner

Today there are quite a few excellent mainline stand-up comics and comedy writers who are Christians. Paul Kerensa is one such and is internationally known at festivals such as Edinburgh and Montreal. He also performs in comedy clubs and churches throughout Britain. As a writer, he has co-written BBC’s Miranda, Top Gear and Not Going Out. A regular on BBC Radios Sussex and Surrey and Radio 2, a recent venture was a tour for the Bible Society. Added to that, he has just completed his first book for children. It makes me exhausted just writing the list of things he has been involved in. Paul Kerensa is a very busy man with what seems like an unlimited supply of funny stories and one liners. 

This small gem adds to his body of work. The book is split into a variety of sections that defy classification. On each page there is one joke/story. It will keep you giggling throughout the dullest of sermons or church meetings!

Sections cover - “Wisdom of Fools”; “The World Today”; “The Church” ; “Happy Special Occasions - Christening Christmas and Cremations”; “There’s a U and an I in Community”: “The Genesis of It All”; “The New(-ish) Testament (relatively speaking)”; History the Later Years”; “Relationships, Family Life and Other Daily Pitfalls”; “The Future, where applicable”: “Finally, some Passive-Aggressive Motivational Slogans”. 

The illustrations which are sprinkled throughout are by Dave Walker. I am a fan of his calendars, cartoons in a variety of different publications, including The Church Times and his on-line work. The book is split into a variety of sections that defy classification. On each page there is one joke/story.  

For a laugh out loud, groan and a good belly laugh, this is well worth buying. Great material for sermons! It should be prescribed on the NHS. Sorry can’t tell you any of the jokes now, I’m off to have another giggle…

Mrs Moira Kleissner is a retired Primary Deputy Head, storyteller and minister’s wife 

Baptist Times, 04/01/2019
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